This blog is where you will find community council information, including meeting times, minutes and agenda. Do please comment on postings.

Monday 28 January 2008

MSCC Minutes 9 January 2008

1 Sederunt and Apologies
Susie Agnew noted apologies and welcomed attendees to the meeting.

2 Minutes of meeting held 12 December 2007.
The minutes were accepted as a true record. (Proposed: Ruth Stroud; Seconded Sarah Marchbanks.)

3 Matters Arising
3.1 Lunch club (item 3.2)

There has not yet been a meeting to discuss the lunch club, but this will be arranged shortly.
3.2 Water supply (item 3.4)
Susie Agnew has received a letter from NHS Lothian and it seems that they are aware of the implications of the plans to develop a poultry unit in the Scottish Borders.
3.3 Grant application (item 3.5)
Alastair Philp updated the group that the papers for the next Neighbourhood Partnership meeting indicate that NP members will be invited to approve a revised grant of £1985.50 for the MSCC. This should cover four planters with plants, a tree, and a notice board at Sciennes.
3.5 Cycle racks (item 3.7)
Susie Agnew passed on an update from Cllr Marilyne Maclaren, who has been told by the Head Teacher of James Gillespies Primary School that the cycle racks have now been moved to a better position with which she is happy.
Susie Agnew will speak to Cherry Ledlie to find out parents’ views on this matter, and let Marilyne Maclaren know if the MSCC would like her to pursue this matter further.
3.6 3Ms Youth Partnership (item 7)
Susie Agnew has written to the appropriate people, voicing the MSCC’s support for continued funding for Lucy Howie’s role as youth worker, but has not yet received a reply.
3.7 Meadows Place
The next meeting of the Council’s Transport Committee will take place on 19 February.
Anyone wishing to take part in a deputation to this meeting to emphasise concerns about the Meadows Place issue should contact Susie Agnew:

4 Police Report
An updated police report will be provided at the February meeting.

5 Grange Cemetery
Susie Agnew has obtained a printed list of the names on all the gravestones that have so far been flattened. There was general discussion, and it was agreed that creative ways should be found of obtaining funding for restoring some of these gravestones, perhaps including:
tracing local societies or individuals with links to or interest in the people buried in Grange Cemetery who might be able to fund restoration
creating a blog which could include photos of gravestones and a searchable database of names to allow members of the public to find out if a gravestone has been flattened
getting an article or series of articles in the Evening News to draw people’s attention to this issue
Anne Laird will explore the option of using a digital camera to take photos of the gravestones and inform Susie Agnew of the outcome.
Susie Agnew will send an e-mail around inviting anyone interested to meet some time in March to look at the graveyard and think about what action to take.

6 New Secretary
Hugh Leather had previously informed the group of his intention to step down as secretary, and volunteers to take over the role had been invited by e-mail. Susie Agnew informed the group that Susanna Lacey had volunteered to undertake this role, and the appointment of Susanna to the role of secretary was approved.

7 Reports of meetings
7.1 South Edinburgh Community Health Partnership Forum meeting
Ruth Stroud informed the group that she had attended this meeting on behalf of the MSCC on 10th December, where she was informed of a proposal to suspend the group and put it under review. This has since been put into practice, with intentions to reconstitute the group in May. However, many members of the group have continued to meet informally in the absence of the Chair, and have agreed a consultation response to the Respite Care Guidance, and plan to meet again to discuss a further consultation response.

8 Any other concluding business
8.1 Quarter Mile

Alastair Philp updated the group that he had received invitation to attend a meeting at Quarter Mile on 16 January at 12.30pm. Dorothy Ryle has also received an invitation and will attend on behalf of the MSCC.
8.2 Neighbourhood Partnership Board
This group will meet at 7pm on Monday 14 January in the Methodist Central Hall, Tollcross. All are welcome to attend, and various council officials will be running a surgery from 6pm.
8.3 Environmental issues

Susie Agnew will write to the Council Planning Department to find out their policy on double glazing in conservation areas. She will also raise concerns about the fact that the residents of some modern blocks of flats are not allowed to hang out their washing.
8.4 Gillis Centre, White House Loan
John Simon informed the group that the Gillis Centre has received a substantial grant from Historic Scotland for work on the outside of the building. This Centre apparently has excellent facilities which aren’t generally advertised or widely known of in the local community. There was general discussion of this grant, and it was suggested that the grant would have been given to this building because it is of historic interest, but that the recipient of such a large grant should ensure the local community is aware of the facilities it offers.
ACTION John Simon will write to ask for details of this grant application.
8.5 Council Contacts
ACTION A list of useful council contacts will be made available on the blog.

9 Next meeting
The next meeting will take place on 20 February, beginning at 7.30pm at St Catherine’s Argyle Community Hall, Grange Road, Edinburgh.

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